Legal notes

To be clear about what you are allowed to do with this reference, and what you can expect please read this :


The author of this reference, Rob Schlüter, grants you the right to use this reference in a personal or non-commercial way.
Commercial use of this reference is not allowed without permission from the author. Commrcial use includes, but is not limited to, a website, a CD-ROM, or a magazine in electronic, printed or any other form.
Please contact me at for more information about any commercial use of this reference.


I have collected all the files in an electronic archive, called, which is available for download. You are allowed to redistribute this archive by uploading it to other servers, or bulletin boards, but only if the archive is not modified in any way.
Using the archive in a commercial way is restricted by the previously mentioned terms.

Mirror site

You are allowed to create a mirror website of this reference. This means you can put a complete copy of this website on an other server. You are not allowed to charge a fee for access to this site.
The download page contains instructions about setting up such a mirror site, and the modifications you are allowed to make.
If you create a mirror site I encourage you to register this mirror site. If you've registered your mirror site, the address of the site will be added to the list of mirrors, if you want to. After registration you will be kept keep informed of ongoing development.


This reference is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. You use it at your own risk.
The author, Rob Schlüter, cannot be held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages arising out of the use of this reference.


By using this reference you acknowledge that you have read these legal notes, understand them, and agree to be bound by the stated terms and conditions.
  Copyright © 1996 - 2000 Rob Schlüter,   (last updated 1998/11/25)